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Privacy Policy
Looking after private information:

Uke Group is committed to making sure your privacy is protected. We do this by looking after your personal information carefully and keeping it private from other people.


What information we collect:

We only collect personal data about you which ensures we can keep you informed about our work, projects and events and how you can help us raise money. Information we collect may include your name, telephone number, email address, postal address.

In cases where you are attending one of our projects or events, it may also include other information about you or your needs (for example, information on your disabilities, carers, dietary requirements or emergency contacts).

We will not collect or keep personal information about you unless we need it.

We will not collect more information than we need and we will not keep it any longer than we need to.

You can ask us to remove your personal information at anytime.


Keeping and using personal information:

All the personal data we have is only processed by our staff. No third parties have access to your personal data unless the law allows them to do so.

We will try to make sure that all the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. We will always let you know what information we hold about you if you ask us. We will always correct any mistakes in the information.

We will never share personal information with other people unless there is a safeguarding issue. Please contact us if you would like to see our Safeguarding Policy.

Some of our service providers may have access to your data in order to perform services on our behalf – e.g. distribution mailing companies for specific events. We make sure anyone who provides a service for us meets our standards for data security. They will not use your data for anything other than the service that they are providing.


Removing personal information:

You can ask us to remove your personal information at anytime by contacting us below:

We will remove the information and show that we have done this if you ask us.


Data breaches:

If someone gets hold of your private information from our database and we don’t know about it, we will immediately review how we store information to find out what might have happened. If someone gets hold of a lot of private information, we will tell the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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